Because of the Intermittent ' Fasting ' Diet, body weight of 13 Kg Shrink Susanto
Jakarta-will not fit to use the shirt with the kind of slim fit like a general, Susanto Ng (37)-willed his body to lose weight. The choice is also on a Diet ' Fasting ' Intermittent way. By applying that diet and regular exercise ala 7 Minute Work Out, body weight of 163 cm tall man was originally a successful 80 kg down so 67 kg. The story of his diet, such as written detikHealth on Thursday (6/1/2016): due to the circumstances of my work that's just behind the counter, rasa-rasanya me so lazy. Plus my hoby snacking. Everyday I am sure to the minimart to buy food to create a stock of snacks in the Office or a snack the night of dueling TV. With the weight of the body is the most embarrassing event, i.e. when I try new work clothes. Idly try clothes with type slim fit, in fact for the hands and chest I masihlah can sign in but the sides of the studs in the stomach can not be closed. I had to buy a very regular fit. But to be honest that time there has not been a willingness to dieting. Until then end of the year. Thus, in the neighborhood of the House complex is a new open gym. Well, with the encouragement of motivation from his wife, I am expanding to fitness in the gym and started doing the dietary improvements. That time I never confused select many type of diet, but I try to read and do research by reading the info on the internet. Apparently I fit the program of Intermittent ' Fasting ' Diet, combined with exercise of OCD (7 Minute Work Out). Throughout the first two weeks of ongoing turnover in my waist circumference, that is my waist so it shrinks. For diet, I would prioritise the consumption of protein and cut around the 500 calories daily. Verily I am leery with diet pattern was because I was having the problem of stomach acid, but bersukur so stomach acid does not appear again and this time after 2 MTHS. more do that pattern so I can set up my appetite. I'm so not interested again with some snacks that are a favorite of mine. In my opinion, everything is back on the willingness and the will semasing. However the pattern of our diet, if not based on the strong willingness of course difficult to be realized. Keep the spirit. Read also: Hoby Rise and down stairs Create Melinda Successfully Lose Weight 10 Kg (ajg/vit)