Eating Regularly but the Striking decline in natural weight? Beware of colon cancer
Jakarta, colon cancer is one disease at risk but is often underestimated. One of the causes for the symptoms, namely skew is similar to other illnesses. Nevertheless there is one special signs held on colon cancer. What is that? When eating regular as well as irregular as common but weight down striking a short span, carefully. It is possible that it was colon cancer, said Dr. Irawan, Chospiadi Sp. PD KHOM from Department of MEDICINE/internal medicine Knowledge RSCM on Toilet Campaign launch event: Thorough CHAPTER detection KUB in Energy Building, location of the Integrated Commerce Sudirman, South Jakarta Thursday (27/3/2014). Dr. Chospiadi explained if weight loss by way of striking because it is not well terserapnya food substances due to the gut that has been damaged due to cancer. But when your weight is shrunk by way of striking indeed uncertain it because by colon cancer. Dr. Chospiadi explained if must be noted also that other symptoms. Include patches of blood in stool, a sense of excess, too tired of flatulence as well as begah despite CHAPTER, and constipation or diarrhea. Therefore, PT Roche Indonesia launched a project called the campaign a Toilet. The project has the objective to increase the awareness of the people especially some workers in order to better standby with colon cancer. His wrong is to do early detection when there are some symptoms as above. Colon cancer is a small problem, in the sense of masihlah can be cured. But it often escapes the attention of people, said Dr. Arya Wibitomo, Head of Medical Affairs of PT Roche Indonesia. Based on the data that the launching of Globocan on th. 2012, cancer of the colon or the koloraktal inhabit the ranking on a list of 4 cancers often appear each year. Not just that, colon cancer also inhabit ranked 4 in the list of mortality. Most recently, Dr. Chospiadi although a bit difficult when conveying or disgust, frequently view the State of the stool. Especially when your attacked ongoing diarrhea or constipation. Before flushing, watch her stool was first, are there any patches of blood, or has the form of a pencil, or there is another oddity. If there is, selekasnya to the doctor for further controls, said the physician who also practices at Dharmais Cancer HOSPITAL it. (vit/vit)
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